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Topics 2024
5G isn’t even fully developed and deployed jet. Why we should already be discussing 6G nevertheless.
Rising energy prices and the goal of reducing costs are driving hardware manufacturers and network operators to make mobile networks more environmentally friendly. What are the next steps and how can AI help?
Mobile networks are critical infrastructure and must therefore be protected by any means. So how do we enhance security for 5G networks and beyond even further?
How can AI help to optimize or automate mobile networks to always offer customers the best user experience? Another key topic: How can AI and chatbots help with customer support to solve problems fast and provide better services?
Nationwide fiber networks are the key for fast, broad and future proof 5G networks and fixed line services. How is the development? What obstacles still remain?
Open RAN implementation isn’t as easy as expected. What are the key learnings so far? And what are the next steps?
How can benchmarking be used to measure throughput, speed, latency, coverage and sustainability constantly changing breathing networks?
connect conference 2024