6GOutlook to the next standard in mobile communications, which will probably arrive by the end of the decade
5G AdvancedOr 5.5G – evolutionary steps between 5G today and 6G tomorrow.
Edge ComputingBringing powerful cloud computing power closer to the end user devices and their applications.
GenAIGenerative AI – how ChatGPT and other AI models can contribute to solve current and future problems of the mobile communications industry.
Post-ShannonNew encoding mechanisms substitute a paradigm shift to what generations of researchers and engineers thought to be the capacity limit of a transmission channel.
Plug and ChargeConvenient and secure payment processes for charging electric cars.
5GSA5G Stand Alone – real 5G network cores with no ties to legacy architectures.
New SpectrumGrowing above 6 GHz – millimeter waves and beyond.
Machine LearningThe basis of Artificial Intelligence – and related methods for more intelligent functions and services.
RoboticsFrom vacuum cleaners to fully autonomous robotic household helpers.
QuishingThe new method of ripping off customers using QR codes - and how you can defend yourself against it.
SustainabilityHow to operate mobile networks with less energy consumption, despite growing transfer volumes.
RepurposingRe-using legacy spectrum for new mobile communications standards.
Cognitive ArchitecturesIntelligent agents and network brokers facilitating a new generation of network services.
Frequency AllocationThe next round in the everlasting struggle for more spectrum – and the demanding discussions with other competitors for this scarce resource.
Non-Terrestrial NetworksHow satellites can augment terrestrial radio cells and thus bring mobile communications truly everywhere.
Dynamic InfrastructuresNetwork architectures which “breathe” with their current workloads.
Network as a SensorScanning objects and people with the millimeter waves of future mobile technologies.
Healthcare BrokerageFrom vacuum cleaners to fully autonomous robotic household helpers.
Network SlicingHow satellites can augment terrestrial radio cells and thus bring mobile communications truly everywhere.
Fixed Wireless AccessSubstituting fixed-line access with mobile communications.
Post-QuantumHow to prepare encryption standards and security protocols to a world where quantum computing radically changes prerequisites assumed to be valid forever.
Healthcare BrokerageBalancing customer needs with economic necessities - and still realizing the best possible healthcare.
Operational TransformationNew challenges and opportunities for network operators: from managing partner ecosystems to adopting new business models.
Outlook to the next standard in mobile communications, which will probably arrive by the end of the decade.
5G Advanced
Or 5.5G – evolutionary steps between 5G today and 6G tomorrow.
5G Stand Alone – real 5G network cores with no ties to legacy architectures.
How to operate mobile networks with less energy consumption, despite growing transfer volumes.
Non-Terrestrial Networks
How satellites can augment terrestrial radio cells and thus bring mobile communications truly everywhere.
Network Slicing
Fuelling an important feature of 5G with life: Separate sub-networks for separate applications and customers.
Edge Computing
Bringing powerful cloud computing power closer to the end user devices and their applications.
New Spectrum
Growing above 6 GHz – millimeter waves and beyond.
Re-using legacy spectrum for new mobile communications standards.
Dynamic Infrastructures
Network architectures which “breathe” with their current workloads.
Fixed Wireless Access
Substituting fixed-line access with mobile communications.
Generative AI – how ChatGPT and other AI models can contribute to solve current and future problems of the mobile communications industry.
Machine Learning
The basis of Artificial Intelligence – and related methods for more intelligent functions and services.
Cognitive Architectures
Intelligent agents and network brokers facilitating a new generation of network services.
Network as a Sensor
Scanning objects and people with the millimeter waves of future mobile technologies.
How to prepare encryption standards and security protocols to a world where quantum computing radically changes prerequisites assumed to be valid forever.
New encoding mechanisms substitute a paradigm shift to what generations of researchers and engineers thought to be the capacity limit of a transmission channel.
From vacuum cleaners to fully autonomous robotic household helpers.
Healthcare Brokerage
Balancing customer needs with economic necessities - and still realizing the best possible healthcare.
Operational Transformation
New challenges and opportunities for network operators: from managing partner ecosystems to adopting new business models.
Plug and Charge
Convenient and secure payment processes for charging electric cars.
The new method of ripping off customers using QR codes - and how you can defend yourself against it.
Frequency Allocation
The next round in the everlasting struggle for more spectrum – and the demanding discussions with other competitors for this scarce resource.